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Bos (primigenius) taurus is the scientific name for Jersey cattle.

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Q: What is the scientific name for jersey cattle?
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Scientific name for a jersey cow?

The scientific name for a jersey cow is Bos taurus.

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The scientific name for European cattle is Bos taurus.

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The scientific name for beef cattle is Bos taurus.

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There is no specific name. It is too difficult to accurately classify separate species of cattle. Cattle are commonly reffered to collectively asBos primigenius

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The scientific name for the Nguni bull is Bos primigenius taurus.

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All domestic cattle have the same scientific name no matter the breed: Bos taurus

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The scientific name for the Cape buffalo is Syncerus caffer. It belongs to the family Bovidae, which includes antelopes, cattle, and goats.

Are jersey cattle polled or horned?

Amerifax cattle are predominantly polled.

What is the origin of the jersey cattle?

Jersey cattle originated from the island of Jersey in the English Channel. They are a small breed known for their high butterfat content in their milk and are popular for dairy farming due to their efficiency in milk production.

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What is a jersey and a hereford?

Jerseys and Herefords are breeds of cattle.