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unafraid or not scared

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Q: What is the opposite of terrified?
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Related questions

When was I Am Terrified created?

I Am Terrified was created in 2004.

A sentence for terrified?

The girl was terrified when she saw the monster.

Make sentences about terrified?

The girl was terrified when she saw the monster.

When was Terrified created?

Terrified was created on 1993-07-19.

What terrified Odysseus men?

your stupid dumb face is what terrified

What is terrifying?

"Terrified" is the past participle of the verb "to terrify". It can be used to make the perfect aspect - he has terrified many people in his life - or to modify nouns, like an adjective - he is terrified, the terrified man.

What is Miley Cyrus terrified of?

She is terrified of spiders and snakes!!!! arn't we all :)

Feelings that start with the letter t?

troubled and terrified

What is the past tense of terrify?

The past tense of "terrify" is "terrified."

Is terrified an adjective?

Yes. The word terrified is the past participle of the verb to terrify (terrifies, terrifying, terrified). A past participle verb is also an adjective, for example, terrified onlookers or terrified rabbit, etc.

What is another word for fearful?

Horror, scared, terrified ?

When your terrified what do you do?
