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Are you in mr. fannings clas at p-ton. it is a shark. Im in it too.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

A fish that can blink with both eyes is the four-eyed fish. Although its name suggests that it has four eyes, it actually only has two eyes like other fish, but each eye is divided in two parts allowing it to see above and below the water simultaneously.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, there is. A shark can blink with both eyes.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A...I Don't Know? Would It Kill You To Ask A Normal Question?

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Some sharks can. Yes sharks are fish.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A Moko

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βˆ™ 8y ago

A shark

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: What is a fish that can blink with both eyes?
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What fish can blink both eyes?

It's a mAko shark not moko

What fish can blinks both eyelids?

The four-eyed fish is able to blink both of its eyes independently, as its eyes are divided horizontally by a band of tissue, allowing for different functions in each segment. This adaptation allows the fish to see both above and below the water's surface simultaneously.

Why dont fish blink?

They don't have eyelids and the reason why people blink is because we have to wet our eyes,but, they live under water so they're eyes are always wet.

Why do fish didn't blink their eyes?

No eyelids

How do fish blink their eyes?

Fish do not have eyelids like humans do, so they cannot blink in the same way. However, some fish have a nictitating membrane that can cover their eyes for protection. This membrane acts like a thin, transparent eyelid and helps keep the eye moist.

What is the only fish that can blink with both eyes?

Even though sharks are among very few fish which have eyelids, they do not blink. Most species of sharks have special nictitating membranes which go over their eyes to protect them when they are hunting or under attack.

What is the only fish that can blink with two eyes?


Do fish's eyes blink?

No it can not it has a shield covering it to protect the ball

Is it possible to blink with both eyes open?

No, because blinking means closing your eyes.So if you blink with your eyes open, than that technically is not blinking.

Do bettas blink?

No, no fish can blink because they have no eyelids. We blink to regain moisture in our eyes and wash away dirt, but they are surrounded by moisture and water, so there is no need to blink. However, the are a few that have a nictitating membrane (also called the third eyelid) that they "blink". This "third eyelid" is used to protect the eyes.

How can a fish keep its eyes open all times?

Animals blink to keep their eyes from getting dry. Fish are always underwater so they don't have to worry about that.

Can octopus blink?

Fish with big eyes like the Squid and Octopus don't have eyelids therefore the answer is no.