The oldest recorded age for a dog in human years is 29 years. This age was achieved by an Australian cattle dog named Bluey.
The oldest recorded age for a dog is 29 years. A cattle dog named Bluey from Australia held this record.
If you type in What is the oldest dog in the world on Google and then look at the writing in the third website it says 203!Actually what it says is that the dog was 203 years old in canine years. The dog (which was named "bella") lived to be 29 years old although there is no official documentation to prove Bella's age.He was an Australian cattle dog called Bluey and was 29 years and 5 months. He died in 1939.
The Basenji is considered one of the oldest recorded breeds of dog in Africa. It is known for its unique traits such as being barkless and cleaning itself like a cat. Basenjis are believed to have originated in central Africa and have a long history of hunting alongside humans.
The oldest dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey who lived to be 29 years and 5 months old.
Dogs live a long life. The usual life span is 10 - 15 years. The oldest dog ever recorded lived 29 years.
The oldest recorded age for a dog in human years is 29 years. This age was achieved by an Australian cattle dog named Bluey.
The oldest recorded was 8 years.
Bluey, Blue Heeler and the oldest recorded dog ever, had reached the age of 29 years, 5 months and seven days when he died in 1939.
There is no officially recorded record for the oldest Staffordshire bull terrier, the Guinness Book of world records only give record of the oldest dog, which is an Australian cattle dog, named Bluey, who died at the age of 29, but there are records of Staffies having reached the age of 18 years.
none. the oldest dog ever recorded was a 29 year old Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey.
The oldest recorded age for a dog is 29 years. A cattle dog named Bluey from Australia held this record.
The oldest confirmed recorded age for any human is 122 years:)
the oldest volcano ever recorded was between the flood of Noah
A 25-year-old pooch from Japan (mutt). Butch, a 28-year-old from America who died in 2003. With the prize for the oldest ever recorded dog going to Bluey, a sheepdog from Australia, who lived to 29 a startling 200 in canine years.
The Youngest And Oldest Soldiers were never recorded but it started at 12- until death
A 25-year-old pooch from Japan (mutt). Butch, a 28-year-old from America who died in 2003. With the prize for the oldest ever recorded dog going to Bluey, a sheepdog from Australia, who lived to 29 a startling 200 in canine years.