Normally, a horse's temperature will be between 99.8 F and 101.3 F. Keep in mind that the weather can affect temperature. In warm weather or during exercise, stress, or excitement, a horse's temperature will naturally rise.
Also a foal's temperature may be higher then an adults, (101.3F.)
I suggest keeping track of YOUR horses natural temperature, so that if you see it is; what you think is high, but it actually his/her normal temp'
the horse head weigh as much as 11.5 or 26 in proportion its body weight..
The American saddlebred horse eats what any other horse eats. hay, grass and grain. they aren't any different then a normal horse.
No, it is not physically possible to combine a human body and a horse body to create a centaur-like being. The anatomy and genetic makeup of humans and horses are too different for such a combination to occur naturally.
The body covering of a donkey is the same on a horse, which is hair.
no it isn't. you could try soaking the grain and hay first before feeding it to the horse.
96.4 degree f
how many chromosomes are found in the body of a horse
the temperature of the earth is 4000 degrees
Normal Temperature = 99.5-101.3°F or 37.5-38.5° C Remember that physical work and stress change body temperatures.
a plasma powered horse is a normal horse
the reccomended temperature of a fridge is 4-5 degrees, but it can vary
yes it is normal for a horse to be blue
They have no immune system.
The normal pulse range is 30-45 for an adult horse.
No. It is normal for a horse to ingest up to 28 walnuts.
The natural trot for a horse under saddle. It is the normal trot for the horse.