It is a Pomeranian puppy. Her name is Bella.
It is a Newfoundland. His name is Benny.
dandie dinmont is the breed of terrier the white dog is in the Ikea commercial with the little boy in time out.
The dog in the Reclast commercial is a French bulldog. French bulldogs are known for their small size, distinctive bat ears, and friendly demeanor.
Why doesn't Nasonex answer the question: What is the breed of dog in the Nasonex commercial? (The commercial with the woman and her dog walking through the park.)
He/she is definitely NOT a Maltese, but may be a Maltese mix. Maltese are much smaller, 6-8 lbs. approx. Hopefully, the Cymbalta dog is a shelter rescue.
He was in the pirates of the Caribbean, an Ikea commercial, a Beneful commercial, multiple travelers commercials, and the Cymbalta commercial. and more than likely more. Chopper is a pretty popular dog for being a rescue mutt out of South St. Louis
Patrick Dempsey
Michael Lowry from All My Children
There is a commercial where a college aged kid in a wheelchair adopts a dog, but I don't think the dog is crippled. This commercial is for MilkBone.
Leeza hood
From the sOap opera all my children
I would think a lab or a golden retriever.