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No, its acutally not harmless i did months of research.

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13y ago
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10y ago

There are two common Spiders that have blue stripes and may possess some yellow coloration. These are the jumping spider and the fighting spider.

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15y ago

It's probably a goldenrod spider, which can change color from white to yellow and back.


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12y ago

Its a wild African spider, called "YOUR MUM"

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15y ago

I imagine it could be one of any number of spiders, but I am inclined to say it is a Black-and-Yellow Agriope. Not poisonous, not dangerous to humans.

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9y ago

A brown spider with yellow stripes is a Saint Andrew's Cross. They are a non-aggressive breed of spiders, and their bite is non-toxic to humans.

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11y ago

the yellow spider with yellow lines

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4y ago

one yello w stoped are poisonous

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