The queen bee is not given an individual name in the hive. She is simply referred to as the queen bee because of her role as the mother and leader of the colony.
I am asking u
The common name for honey bees is simply "honey bee."
The common name for the Killer Bee is the Africanized Honey Bee.
A person who has bee hives is called a bee keeper.
A bee is perfectly capable of feeding itself.
The sound made by a bee is commonly known, onomatopoeically in English, as a buzz.
The queen bee is not given an individual name in the hive. She is simply referred to as the queen bee because of her role as the mother and leader of the colony.
Depending on where you are, there's a good chance you observed a hummingbird moth. It looks a lot like a large bee but flies and looks like a small hummingird with a bee body. Google hummingbird moth for pictures.
ANSWER It is probally a bee fly
I am asking u
Samantha Bee's birth name is Samantha Jamie Bee.
The worker bees do all the caring and feeding of the larvae.
Commonly, a bee is about 1 centimeter long. (Given these choices.)
A science bee?
The scientific name for the western honey bee is Apis Mellifera.