The most dangerous animal in Europe would be an european brown bear or the european grizzly bear. Especially with the brown bears in Alaska, brown bears can grow very large, and even bigger than the polar bear.
I've been there four years in a row now, and although I'm not entirely sure, around the tourist sites and towns I have seen nothing dangerous. The worst thing I cam across was a jellyfish in the sea. you should be fine in the towns and resorts though. sorry for not being too specific, but im not entirely sure.
Critically endangered animals are in a more severe situation compared to vulnerable and endangered animals. Critically endangered status signifies a higher risk of extinction, with very few individuals remaining in the wild. Efforts to save critically endangered species are typically more urgent and intensive.
are muskellunges endangered animals
Endangered animals are at risk of becoming extinct in the near future. Threatened animals are likely to become endangered if their population continues to decline. Extinct animals no longer exist in the wild or in captivity.
gaint panda
Many animals in the jungle are endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. Some of the iconic species at risk include tigers, orangutans, and elephants. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these animals and their habitats.
iberian lynx
I love one direction and little mix They are the answer to everything!
Yes. They are endangered animals.
Yes, tortoises are endangered animals
over hunting and human development make animals endangered
no they are not endangered.
Yes there are endangered animals in vermont.
Around 3707 animals are endangered
16 animals are endangered in illinois
I only know that pandas, polar bears, red pandas, are endangered. There are A LOT of animals that are endangered. You should google the "red list." It tells you which animals are and are not endangered.
You should care for endangered animals. DONE
endangered animals are polar bears, penguins, and walrusus