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well, the colors you need to make a leopard are black,orange and white

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Q: What is the mix needed for the colour of a leopard?
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Can you give me some simple sentences with the word leopard in it?

Have you got a leopard? My friend has a leopard. I would like a leopard as a pet! I saw a leopard at the zoo. Leopards have spots. Would you like a leopard? What colour is a leopard? I hope these help you!!

What is the reason for changing colour of leopard?

The reason is: Chicken

What colour do you get if you mix yellow and red?

You will get orange when you mix yellow and red.

What colour mix gives colour blue?

Mix a royal blue with a bit of black to make navy.

Is a leopard the most aggressive cat?

A cat's coat colour or pattern has nothing to do with its personality. Cats can be aggressive for many reasons, to as simple as not being neutered, to being mistreated somehow or even a mental condition. A cat being a certain colour (or a mix of colours) does not depict its personality.

Can you mix leopard geckos with anything?

No, these geckos are a solitary species.

What Colour is a snow leopard?

white with black or brown spots

Are male leopard geckos darker than females?

No their is no colour difference.

Why do leapard gheckos go grey in colour?

there's a leopard gecko that's dark grey. it's called a blizzard leopard gecko.

What colour do you get when you mix orange and pink?

if you mix orange and pink you get a coral.

What colour are leopard seals?

White,grey and Black spots on the average seal.

What color do you mix with purple to get brown?

You would mix it with yellow, it's complimentary colour. Whenever you want to make the colour brown, just mix it with a complimentary colour. (Purple + Yellow, Red + Green, Orange + Blue.)