The name Cooney has Irish roots and originally was derived from the word handsome. Another meaning behind the name Cooney is little hound or little wolf.
meaning Of zunaisha
The meaning of the name Chiedza is "morning light/sun rise."
Meaning of name Zayan is beautiful and bright. Its an Arabic muslim boy name. - Zuhaib
The name Anzala does not have a widely recognized meaning. It may be a unique or uncommon name without a specific origin or meaning.
The meaning of the Kalenjin name Kiptoo is "born when visitors are around."
Cecil Cooney's birth name is Randolph Cecil Cooney.
Dennis Cooney's birth name is Cooney, Dennis J..
Terry Cooney's birth name is Terrance Joseph Cooney.
Jacob Cooney's birth name is Jacob Elias Cooney.
Ray Cooney's birth name is Raymond George Alfred Cooney.
Chipps Cooney's birth name is Donald J Ippolito.
Shepard Lin Sue Cooney's maiden name is not Shepard, it is Glass. Shepard was the last name of her 1st husband.
Laurette Taylor's birth name is Helen Loretta Cooney.
Linda A. Cooney is the pen name of an author who has written many young adult fiction titles.
Lin Sue Cooney is married to Sean Cooney.
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Chipps Cooney is 6'.