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I've heard that they live 3 to 6 years, but that some live I'm not sure! Sorry! I've got two so I'd like to know as well!!

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I think it is 2 to 4 years

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3-5 years

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Q: What is the lifespan of an aylesbury duck?
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What is aylesbury famous for?

Aylesbury duck

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What is the genus and species name for the Aylesbury duck?

Anas platyrhynchos

How can you tell a pekin from an aylesbury duck?

Pekin ducks have orange bills and feet, while Aylesbury ducks have pink bills and white feathers. Additionally, Pekin ducks are generally stockier with a more upright posture compared to the slimmer Aylesbury ducks.

What is the lifespan of an Duck?

3-5 years

Where is aylesbury?

Aylesbury is in Buckinghamshire, England

What is Aylesbury's population?

The population of Aylesbury is 56,392.

Why are your aylesbury ducks trying to kill female mallard duck?

If you have a lot of aylesbury ducks and have introduced a female mallard, they may just be trying to set the pecking order. Aylsbury's are large ducks, and they may not accept the duck that is a lot smaller than them. It is the pecking order. I recommend putting the mallard into a small cage and put it into the duck run. This way, the other ducks cannot attack the mallard, and will get used to her presence. I do this when introducing any new ducks/chickens into my chicken/duck run. At the end of the day, try releasing her again, and see how that goes. ~BlackWolf1112.

Does Aylesbury duck eat worm?

Yes, Aylesbury ducks are known to eat worms as they are omnivores and have a diverse diet that includes insects, vegetation, and small animals. Worms can be a natural part of their diet if they come across them while foraging in the wild or in a home environment.

Who was the first People to settle in aylesbury?

Who settled in aylesbury first

When was Friars Aylesbury created?

Friars Aylesbury was created in 1969.

When was Aylesbury College created?

Aylesbury College was created in 1962.