The smilodon was a dinosaur and known as a sabre tooth cat who had large fangs. This animal has been extinct for over 10,000 years and its lifespan is not known.
A sabertooth tiger, such as Smilodon, could grow to be around 3 to 4 feet tall at the shoulder and about 5 to 8 feet long, not including the tail. They weighed between 200 to 600 pounds, making them larger than today's big cats like lions and tigers.
The average lifespan for a wall lizard is about 7 years.
what is the Welwitchia plant's lifespan in years
Tailorbirds have a lifespan of around 4-6 years in the wild. captivity can extend their lifespan beyond 10 years.
Smilodon Fatalis/Smilodon Imperator. Smilodon fatalis ,Smilodon gracilis, and Smilodon populator
Depends, If The Bear Dog Was One Of Those Fox Sized Bear Dogs, Then It Would Be Smilodon. If It Was Smilodon Gracilis With Amphicion. Amphicion Would Go And Grab The Smilodon Gracilis On The Neck. Smilodon Gracilis With A Fox Sized Bear Dog. Smilodon Gracilis Is The Winner. Amphicion With Smilodon Fatalis. It Depends. If There Was A Pack Of Amphicions, Amphicion Wins. If Both Were Alone, Amphicion Wins, If It Was A Pack Of Smilodon Fatalis, Smilodon Fatalis. Smilodon Populator With Amphicion. Depends. If The Bear Dog Was Fast Enough. Bear Dog. If The Smilodon Knew. Smilodon Populator.
The smilodon is an animal :D
The smilodon is an animal :D
The smilodon and the dinicitis are both types of large cats. The smilodon is a descendant of the minced, and the dinicitis was a descendant of the minced, as well, and was related to the dinicitis.
smil o don = smilodon fat a lis = fatalis
There are many species of saber tooth cats such as Smilodon, Megapotherous and Barberfelis.
Smilodon lived in North and South America between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago.
Early humans likely competed with the smilodon for food resources such as large herbivores. As hunters, early humans would have targeted similar prey species as the smilodon, potentially leading to competition for resources. This competition may have contributed to the decline of the smilodon population.
The smilodon skeleton display can be viewed at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo, Japan. The smilodon was an ancient type of cat which lived ten thousand years ago.
Smilodon fossils were first discovered in South America in the 19th century by Danish paleontologist Peter Wilhelm Lund. The most famous discoveries of Smilodon fossils were made in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California. These fossils date back to the Pleistocene epoch.