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The rumen.

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Q: What is the largest compartment of a cow's stomach?
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Is the stomach of a giraffe the same as a humans?

Giraffes, like cows, are ruminants. They have a four-compartment stomach which can pass partially digested food around to aid the digestion of plant matter. The final stomach compartment, called the abomasum, is the closest equivalent to the stomach of a monogastric animal such as a human.

What is the largest compartment of the horse stomach?

Horses do not have a multiple-chambered stomach. They just have a single stomach like a human or a dog has, not multi-chambered like a cow or sheep has.

What are polygastric animals?

Polygastric animals are animals that have four compartments in their stomach. Each compartment is separated by tendons. Sheep and cows are polygastric animals.

Which compartment looks like a honeycomb and is also known as tripe?

a cows stomach looks like a honeycomb but i think it looks like a durian

What is a cows rumen?

A cow has one stomach, with four separate compartments. The rumen is the first compartment that all of the cows chewed food goes to. then the cow brings her "cud" (chewed food) back up to continue chewing it, until it is ready to be swallowed. then after swallowed it goes to the reticulum, which seperates all foreign objects out of the cows stomach,then it passes to the omasum where all nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream, then after that, the food travels to the last compartment, called the abdomasum. This compartment forms food into waste that will be excreted from the cow.

What is an abomasum?

The abomasum is the 'true stomach' of ruminants, such as cows and sheep. It is the only glandular section of their stomach - and is acidic (it is very similar to the simple stomach of monogastrics, such as pigs).

Do cows have 4 livers?

In a matter of speaking, yes, but technically, no. Cows have three forestomachs and one true stomach. The "fourth stomach" then would be the abomasum, while the other forestomachs are called, in order, the reticulum, rumen and omasum. It can also be agreed upon, by common knowledge though, that cows have one main stomach with four compartments, thus the fourth compartment would be known as the abomasum.

What is the function of methane in the human body?

Not in your stomach as it is too acidic for bacteria. Cows have a stomach compartment just for bacterial digestive action that produces methane. Perhaps in your intestinal region methane can be produced.

Does pigs ruminate?

No, pigs do not ruminate like cows or sheep. Pigs are monogastric animals, meaning they have only one compartment in their stomach for digestion, unlike ruminants which have multiple compartments for the digestion process.

What has 8 stomach?

2 cows.

Can cows get stomach cancer?

sure why not?

Why do cows stomach windows?

so that farmers can watch the food digest inside the cows stomach and make foods that digest easier.