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For most snakes, the limiting diameter is "slightly larger than the snake at it's widest point".

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14y ago
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2mo ago

The largest animal a snake can eat depends on the size and species of the snake. Some snakes are capable of eating large prey such as pigs, deer, and even alligators. However, most snakes typically feed on smaller animals like rodents, birds, and insects.

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15y ago

a crocodile. they found a fossile of a really big snake and its about as big as a bus!

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14y ago

It depends on the snake. Anaconda's are known to eat anywhere from a goat to a jaguar.

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13y ago

Easy, an Anaconda can constrict a crocodile.

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8y ago

Anacondas and other large constrictors, such as some pythons, can eat fairly large prey items.

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Q: What is biggest animal a snake eats?
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What the name of the animal which eat snake and owl?

Mongoose is an animal that eats snakes, and Great Horned Owls are known to occasionally prey on snakes.

What eats a Cyprus whip snake?

Nothing eats a cyprus whip snake. It is at the top of the food chain.

What type of question is cat is to dog as snake is to?

it is called an analogy(snake is to hawk because the hawk eats the snake as the dogs eats the cat)

Is a snapping turtle a secondary consumer?

Snakes are secondary consumers. If you think this through, it will be pretty clear. A primary consumer is an animal that eats plants. Snakes don't eat plants, so they can't be primary consumers. Snakes are either secondary or tertiary consumers. Snakes eat the following animals: mice, varied small rodents, birds, worms, small fish, small lizards, and in some cases, large mammals. If the snake you are using as your example eats small mammals (probably the most common case) then think about what the small mammal eats. Probably nuts, grains, etc. Plant material. So the small mammal is a primary consumer and the snake eats the primary consumer, so that makes a snake a secondary consumer. If the snake you are using eats something that eats other animals (say your snake eats birds or lizards that eats insects) then the snake may be a secondary or tertiary consumer based on if it is eaten. If the snake is eaten by an animal, it is secondary, if not, it is tertiary. ANIMAL ==> PLANTS = primary consumer SNAKE ==> SMALL MAMMAL ==> PLANTS = secondary consumer SNAKE ==> BIRD/LIZARD ==> INSECTS ==> PLANTS = tertiary consumer

Which organism is the secondary consumer in this food chain Aspen Rabbit Snake Hawk?

A rabbit is a primary consumer since it is a herbivor a secondary consumer would be an animal that eats the primary consumer like a fox.

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Do snakes eats blue whale?

No, there isn't a snake big enough, as the blue whale is the biggest animal on earth.

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The animal is a bull♥

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What animal eats a scarlet snake?

A scarlet bird of course

What animal uses small ears to help it?

A snake, it eats them.

What type of snake eats a rabbit but also eats grass?

There is no such animal, There are no snakes that eat grass or any other plant.

What animal eats the eastern indigo snake?

their is a snake called the ceila that would deffinetly eat the eastern indigo snake

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sarpent (a large snake like reptail like pithon) eats a hippopotamus.

Why are bluewhales the biggest animal?

Blue whales are the biggest animals because of how much it eats

What eat the pocket mouse?

I think a snake eats this animal but i am not sure of it so HELP ?!

What animals is a predator?

a snake and I do not know any others

What animal eats the Texas blind snake?

Chickens from farms eat the Texas blind snake because they mistake the snakes for earthworms