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the white tiger is in the animal kingdom

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The white tiger is not a separate kingdom; it is a genetic variant of the Bengal tiger found in India. White tigers are not a species but rather a color morph caused by a recessive gene.

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What it the Taxonomic kingdom of white tiger?

Tigers (Panthera tigris) are members of Kingdom Animalia.

Kingdom name and organism name of a white tiger?

Panthera Tigris

What is the kingdom of a white tiger?

The White Tiger is a recessive mutant of the Bengal Tiger. Its belongs in the Animalia Kingdom.Other Biological Classification information for the White Tiger:Domain: EukaryaKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: PantheraSpecies: Panthera tigris

What is the kingdom phylum class order family genus of a white tiger?

Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae, Panthera.

What do you call a white tiger?

a white tiger

How is the White tiger different from the normal tiger?

They aren't different the White Bengal Tiger is just white and the Bengal Tiger is orange.

What eats the white tiger?

A white tiger is a teritory consumer so no animal eats white tiger.

What kingdom does a tiger belong to?

TigerKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraTigers belong to Kingdom Animalia.Tigers belong to Kingdom Animalia.

Can a white tiger and a orange tiger have a white tiger?

Well it is possible but usually they don't have it

Is the amur tiger classified like the white tiger?

No. The white tiger is merely a gentic flaw of the Bengal tiger.

Can a white tiger eat you?

yes the white tiger can eat you

What is the name of the white tiger with black stripes?

White Tiger.