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Q: What is the hyperbole for that dog is so old?
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What is a hyperbole for a old dog?

The dog is so old, he played with wooly mammoths as a puppy.

Is i am so tired i could sleep for a year a hyperbole?

It's a hyperbole.

Why do they call a hyperbole and not an exaggeration?

A hyperbole is an exaggeration, but more extreme. "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse" is an example of a hyperbole.

What is a cat hyperbole?

the cat was a million years old

Is the ride seamed to last an eternaty a hyperbole?

A Hyperbole is a literary device used to provide emphasis through exaggeration, so yes, that was an example of hyperbole.

What does add a hyperbole to your new sentence mean?

Hyperbole means exaggeration so you are being asked to exaggerate in your sentence.

What is a hyperbole for davy Crockett?

IN the tall tale it says that he killed a bear when he was only three, so that would be a hyperbole

How old is a dog in dog year that is 3?

x7 so it's 21

how old are does in human year?

If the dog is 2 years old in dog years than just times that by 7 so in human years you dog is 14 years old

Why is a 50 year old dog so playful?

He's so old he went out of his mind

What is extreme exaggeration used to make a point?

hyberbilye hyperbole

How old IS my dog in dog years if I've had him for 2yrs?

for every year a dog is 7 so 7 times 2 =14 so your dog is about 14 or more