A group of sharks is called a gam, grind, school, herd, pod, collage, or shiver.
Tigers don't live in groups. They only seek out another tiger when they mate. Lions live in groups called a pride. A female tiger and her cubs are called a streak, but tigers in the wild are basically solo animals.
Tiger is the name of the male Panthera Tigris (commonly called Tigers). The female is called a Tigress. Her babies are called Cubs or Tiger Cubs or Whelp. A group of tigers is called an Ambush or Streak.
The white tiger at Belfast Zoo is called Jack, the orange tiger is called Jill.
The tiger belongs to the mammal group for it has fur and does not lay eggs.
An ambush or streak.
No, An ambush or streak.
A group of sharks is called a gam, grind, school, herd, pod, collage, or shiver.
A group of sharks is called a gam, grind, school, herd, pod, collage, or shiver.
Tigers don't live in groups. They only seek out another tiger when they mate. Lions live in groups called a pride. A female tiger and her cubs are called a streak, but tigers in the wild are basically solo animals.
Tiger is the name of the male Panthera Tigris (commonly called Tigers). The female is called a Tigress. Her babies are called Cubs or Tiger Cubs or Whelp. A group of tigers is called an Ambush or Streak.
The group Mud sang "Tiger Feet".
a male tiger is called a tiger and a female tiger is called a tigress.
A group called Survivor wrote that and some other hits from Rocky.
Tiger's eye (also called Tigers eye or Tiger eye) is member of the quartz group. The gems are usually cut en cabochon to show the chatoyancy (small ray of light on the surface) that resembles the feline eye of a tiger.
A female Tiger is called a Tigress,
Cat Group