The food that comes from horses is horse meat because some people all over the world eat horse meat like in France they eat horse meat , frog , snails and lots of other things like that. xxx Here are a few: Kare, an Austrian stew, viande chevaline in France, paardevless in Belgium, in Indonesia sate jaran. Sfilacci, came di cavallo, and a number of dishes ending in di equino are available in Italy where you can also obtain donkey in pasta sauce called stracotto d'asino. Sweden sells more horsemeat then lamb and mutton put together. In Japan its even available as sashimi. I guess that the US had Scout, Champion and Trigger and a longtime love affair with the horse, so in America its called dogfood.
Slaughter is awful. People don't want to take time to get a good home for a horse they couldn't afford or didn't really want in the first place. Then the poor animal is almost killed by a bolt, but doesn't always die, so it bleeds to death.
Schleich horses from withers (their back) are about 10 centimeters tall Source I have a schleich stables 34 horses and 12 other animals
If an animal loses their food source, in the wild, they will try to find a sustainable source to have food to survive. If they cannot find a worthy source of food/water, they starve or become dehydrated and pass away.
Horses typically inhabit grasslands, prairies, and open meadows where they have access to grazing areas and ample space to move around. They prefer areas with a reliable water source and shelter from extreme weather conditions. Domesticated horses are often kept in pastures or barns where they have access to food, water, and protection.
No because it can not digest a rabbit
Horses can find their food by grazing in pastures or fields where grass and other vegetation are available. They use their keen sense of smell and sight to locate food sources. Horse owners also provide hay, grain, and other supplements to ensure horses have a balanced diet.
Horses eat grass, hay, apples, carrots, chay, and oats typically.
A niche in an horses inviroment is to provide a source of food for predators and to turn up the soil with there hoofs.
the horses food is brought to them. . .
Yes. Horses are shipped from Canada to Japan where they are raised and processed for food. A horse steak may cost as much as $300 in Japan. The US passed a law that prohibits the killing of horses for processing. This caused the price of horses to drop and many horses have been turned loose to starve. If they are sold for food, they are shipped to Canada where it is legal to butcher them.
They captured and tamed wild horses.
Horses were highly important as modes of transport in areas where wheeled vehicles could not reach, they could also haul artillery, water, food, etc. In times of need the horses could also serve as a source of food, though this was usually a last resort.
Horses eat grass, they graze.
Horses are herbavores. They eat grass, hay and other plants. They got their food from around them.
Stuffed animal horses, plastic toy horses, horse statues and stuffed dead horses. All other horses that are alive and breathing definitely need water and food.
Sea horses eat their food through their snout. Sea horses eat continuously as they do not have completely functional digestive systems.
The same way other horses get food: by using their noses to find it and their mouths to eat it.