The definition of the word castrate is to remove the testicles of a male or to remove the ovaries of a female. The result of castration is the incapability to reproduce.
By technical definition, a compound word is a word made of a combination two smaller words. 'Were' is a word and 'wolf' is a word so putting the two smaller words together in 'werewolf' does, by definition, make it a compound word.
The definition of the word 'scats' is a type of fish. They are Called Scatophagidae which is shortened to scats. They can be found in the Indian and western Pacific Ocean.
The word is vertebrata in latin but its definition is backbone
The informal definition of the word lummox is basically a stupid, clumsy person. Some people use the word lummox the same way the word idiot is used. "You broke the window, you lummox!", so he complained.
The Stroop effect was discovered by John Ridley Stroop in the 1930s. He conducted experiments showing that it takes longer to name the color of a word when the word itself is the name of a different color (e.g., the word "red" written in blue ink).
Lin Ridley's birth name is Linward C. Ridley.
Arnold Ridley's birth name is William Arnold Ridley.
Read Ridley's birth name is Read W. Ridley.
Walter Ridley's birth name is Walter John Ridley.
Ridley is the wierd flying dragon named Ridley X in Metroid Fusion.
Ridley Tsui's birth name is Ridley Tsui Po-Wah.
The 2000 movie Gladiator was directed by Ridley Scott.
The address of the Ridley Park Public Library is: 107 E. Ward Street, Ridley Park, 19078 3097
The cast of The Ridley Project - 2010 includes: Brian Flint as Dr. Robert Ridley Kirk Gostkowski as Jake Ridley
prompt how to contact ridley scott?
Ridley Scott