Basically there are three types of sparrow and they have been named because of the habitat they prefer. They are House - Hedge - Tree.
Sparrows exhibit internal fertilization, where the sperm fertilizes the egg inside the female's body. The male bird transfers sperm to the female through copulation.
Sparrows. It's a Host of Sparrows
There are around 40 different species of sparrows worldwide, with varying appearances and distributions across different regions.
yes sparrows are warmbloded
Yes sparrows and macaws are same because their colour is same
You can destroy it or put it back where it came from. Since house sparrows are not native they are excluded by the migratory bird act.
Hedge sparrows are properly called dunnocks and they are not actually sparrows at all. They build their nests in dense shrubbery and hedgerows (see Sources and related links, below).
sparrows have 5 babies at one time because some times the egg falls out the tree or predators come and eat them
Basically there are three types of sparrow and they have been named because of the habitat they prefer. They are House - Hedge - Tree.
Sparrows exhibit internal fertilization, where the sperm fertilizes the egg inside the female's body. The male bird transfers sperm to the female through copulation.
The answer is, the colour and the pattern of the egg and the shape.
The walls were painted an egg yellow.