A baby fish is called a fry. This term refers to a recently hatched fish larva that is in the early stages of development. It is commonly used in the context of aquarium keeping and fish breeding.
Pisciculture is the practice of breeding and rearing fish for commercial purposes, such as food consumption or sport fishing. It involves controlling the aquatic environment to optimize fish growth and reproduction. Pisciculture has become an important industry worldwide to meet the demand for fish products.
The name for an artificial water channel used for breeding fish is a fish hatchery. These facilities are designed to provide a controlled environment for fish breeding, egg incubation, and early development stages before releasing them into natural habitats.
A breeding horse is typically referred to as a stallion if male or a mare if female. These horses are specifically used for reproduction purposes in breeding programs.
Raising or breeding of canines is called "canine husbandry" or "dog breeding". It refers to the selective breeding and care of dogs for specific traits, such as behavior, health, or appearance.
The parrot cychlid is not a 'natural' fish. It is a breed developed from cross-breeding by fish collectors in Asia. Another example of such cross-breeding, to the point of extremeness, is the fish called Louhan.
The breeding, rearing, and transplantation of fish by artificial means is called pisciculture, in other words, fish farming
A baby fish is called a fry. This term refers to a recently hatched fish larva that is in the early stages of development. It is commonly used in the context of aquarium keeping and fish breeding.
induced breeding of fish is a technicque of producing fish fry by pituitary injectioning without considering fish attempts. it is a widelt accepted economical breeding programme in an artificial way
Breeding fish by putting the males and females together and letting them do what they naturally do to fertilize the eggs instead of breeding fish by extracting the sperm and eggs from the fish and mixing them to fertilize the eggs.
No. Other fish in a breeding tank only create problems.
depends on what fish you have.
The same amount of fish will be produced in a net as in a breeding trap. The amount of fish you save though could be different. That depends upon you and how much you know about rearing baby tropical fish.
Its hard to keep any fish with Convict.Especially with a breeding pair of convicts.Maybe another species of armored catfish like many species of doradids or talking catfish as they are called.
Pisciculture is the practice of breeding and rearing fish for commercial purposes, such as food consumption or sport fishing. It involves controlling the aquatic environment to optimize fish growth and reproduction. Pisciculture has become an important industry worldwide to meet the demand for fish products.