you can feen her letttus,carrot,cellery and other vegies ...... :D hope that answered your ?
The best food to feed pregnant hamsters is a high-quality hamster mix that contains a variety of seeds, grains, and nuts. You can also supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, cucumber, and apple. Provide plenty of fresh water and ensure they have access to calcium-rich foods like leafy greens and cooked eggshell for healthy development.
It is not recommended to feed Canine Carry Outs to hamsters as they are specifically formulated for dogs and may not provide the required nutrients for hamsters. It is best to stick to a well-balanced hamster diet to ensure their health and well-being.
yes, there is. i have one and it is sooo cute.they are black and white but they are not very furry. they only have about a centimeter of fur but that is not a bad thing and is normal for most hamsters.panda hamsters are very quiet during the day,as all hamsters are, but they are alot more active at night than other hamsters are but i don't know why.Panda hamsters are very nice and are very good with kids but not with bigger not have the household temperature below 45 degrees or they will go into hibernation.if they go into hibernation then feed them warm milk from a medicine dropper and keep them warm.htat might seem like alot to handle but its not,panda hamsters are actually very fun to have andyou should get one!
While hamsters and guinea pigs have some dietary similarities, it is not recommended to feed hamsters guinea pig food. Guinea pig food is formulated specifically for the nutritional needs of guinea pigs and may not provide the right balance of nutrients for hamsters. It's best to stick to a diet specifically designed for hamsters.
Yes. Therefore, these foods are good for hamsters.
It is not recommended to feed hamsters cheese as it is high in fat and can lead to health issues like obesity and diarrhea. Hamsters have sensitive digestive systems and it's best to stick to a diet of hamster-safe foods such as pellets, fresh vegetables, and fruits.
A good thing to feed them is milk and bread
If you want them to be, but many people feed their Hamsters, cooked egg, Fish, and Chicken. More so when they are pregnant and nursing babies.
All hamsters have a possibility of getting ill. If you care for it as best you can and make sure you feed it correctly then there is nothing more you can do.
if you feed hamsters meat
Chocolate is toxic to hamsters. NEVER feed chocolate to hamsters!
Get them food!
You can feed them to hamsters, but I would feed them a maximum of 5 a day as they are not healthy. Keep them as a treat.
Sure! My hamsters love it!
Yes you can feed your hamsters roti.
It is not recommended to feed Canine Carry Outs to hamsters as they are specifically formulated for dogs and may not provide the required nutrients for hamsters. It is best to stick to a well-balanced hamster diet to ensure their health and well-being.
No, you shouldn't
yes, I've feed my hamsters that and nothing happened...