Humble bees make honey and wax.
Beeswax is produced by honeybees. Worker bees secrete beeswax from glands on the underside of their abdomen. They use the wax to build honeycomb cells for storing honey, pollen, and to raise their young.
honey trying to protect there food with the wax they make.
i say no but im not sure
Honey bees produce wax from glands on their abdomen. Worker bees then consume honey and convert it into wax through a series of chemical processes in their bodies. The wax is then secreted through small pores on their abdomen to create the honeycomb structure.
its none of your bees wax its none of your bees wax its none of your bees wax
mellissa - bee mellises - bees
Bees build their comb out of wax which has been produced by the wax glands of young bees.
bees wax
bees wax is an ingredient
No, candles that are made from bees wax do not clean the air or purify it in any way. Bees wax candles are popular and are sold in a variety of colors and scents.
Bees wax does float in water because it less dense than water. For this reason bees wax is a common material used to make floating candles.
Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees was created in 1991.
Candle wax or bees wax
Humble bees make honey and wax.