

What is the African lion's life cycle?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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The Lions life cycle could be:

a. A Lioness raises a litter of pups

b. Female pups stay with the family while the male adolescents are kicked out of the pride by the pride leader Male.

c. Adolescent Males wander the forests for nearly 2 years until they are big and strong and can challenge a pride leader Male

d. The Adolescent Male will dethrone a pride leader and take over his pride

e. The new leader will kill all cubs fathered by the previous leader and pass on his genetic heritage

f. After a few years, he will be dethroned by another younger more powerful male lion and will eventually die a slow painful death.

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African lions move when they see their prey and if they are hungry they try to kill it then eat it. Or African lions only move when they are thirsty or hunger or when they want to move somewhere else to get food.

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Lions do not hibernate, be it the North American mountain lions or the African and Asian lions.

Where do the lions stay?

Lions live primarily on the African savanna.