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Hibernation is an annual ritual . Torpor is sleepiness in a similar way, but not necessarily hibernation.

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Q: What is one difference of hibernating and torpor?
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Do hamsters hibernate and why d they hibernate?

No!! Hamsters are not true hibernators. Hamsters like to be in the range of 65 75 degree Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit they may go into a temporary hibernating state. This temporary hibernating state is called torpor: Torpor is a form of dormancy that is very similar to hibernation. But the difference between hibernation and torpor is how long the animals sleep times vary and how much the animal's bodies slow down. Torpor is a state of regulated hypothermia in an Endotherm: An Endotherm is an animal that is capable of maintaining its body temperature above the temperature of the external environment. Torpor may last just a few hours but usually no more than a day. Some mammals that live through cold periods when food is hard to find especially very small mammals have the ability to let their body temperature drop. Hamsters can go into this hibernating state and they have retained the ability to do so in captivity. A true hibernation is a state of dormancy that allows an animal to conserve energy during the winter months when food is in short supply. During hibernation animals slow their metabolism to a very low level, this allow them to use their energy reserves stored as body fat at a much slower rate. If you have a hibernating hamster in this sleeping (torpor) state it may appear that all life is extinct in the hamster and it may appear to be life-less (dead). It will not respond to sound, handling or touching. A hibernating hamster will curl up into a ball in the nest, this is to conserve heat in the abdominal region. You will be able to pick the hamster up without him knowing it, and will not wake up on handling. But close observation will reveal the hamster's whiskers (vibrissae) are still twitching. The hamster still has to breath when in torpor, although very very slowly this can be seen on close observation. The hamster must be aroused by slowly warming and gentle handling and stroking. After the arousal period it may be noted that hamster will be little groggy and trembling this will last only for a very short time.Thanks for listneaning and if u dont understand basicly the temperature needs to be 15C+ or it will hibernate and die and i knoe that because it happend to me enyway good luck

Do hamsters have odor when hibernating?

No, hamsters do not hibernate. They are not true hibernators like some other animals. Hamsters are in a state of torpor during times of rest, where they may seem inactive and sleep more, but they do not experience the same processes as true hibernation.

How does one recognize torpor in an animal?

Torpor in an animal is a state of reduced activity and metabolism like hibernation that allows animals to go longer without food. Animals like rodents, bats, and some birds undergo daily torpor periods. An animal in this state would be sluggish and unresponsive.

Do Syrian hamsters hibernate or migrate?

Syrian hamsters do not hibernate or migrate. They are active throughout the year and do not undergo seasonal changes in behavior like some other animals do. They may become less active during colder months but do not enter a true hibernation state.

Do humans experience torpor?

No, humans do not naturally enter a state of torpor. Torpor is a type of deep hibernation-like state seen in some animals where metabolic rate and body temperature decrease significantly to conserve energy during harsh environmental conditions. Humans do not have this mechanism in their biological repertoire.

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When was Evening in Torpor created?

Evening in Torpor was created in 1981.

Is a hibernating bear a living thing?

Bears do not truly hibernate but do go into a torpor (sleep) during colder months when food is scarce. However, it is not a true hibernation and the bears can quickly awaken if disturbed. Yes, they are a living thing and only are sleeping.

Do hamsters hibernate and why d they hibernate?

No!! Hamsters are not true hibernators. Hamsters like to be in the range of 65 75 degree Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit they may go into a temporary hibernating state. This temporary hibernating state is called torpor: Torpor is a form of dormancy that is very similar to hibernation. But the difference between hibernation and torpor is how long the animals sleep times vary and how much the animal's bodies slow down. Torpor is a state of regulated hypothermia in an Endotherm: An Endotherm is an animal that is capable of maintaining its body temperature above the temperature of the external environment. Torpor may last just a few hours but usually no more than a day. Some mammals that live through cold periods when food is hard to find especially very small mammals have the ability to let their body temperature drop. Hamsters can go into this hibernating state and they have retained the ability to do so in captivity. A true hibernation is a state of dormancy that allows an animal to conserve energy during the winter months when food is in short supply. During hibernation animals slow their metabolism to a very low level, this allow them to use their energy reserves stored as body fat at a much slower rate. If you have a hibernating hamster in this sleeping (torpor) state it may appear that all life is extinct in the hamster and it may appear to be life-less (dead). It will not respond to sound, handling or touching. A hibernating hamster will curl up into a ball in the nest, this is to conserve heat in the abdominal region. You will be able to pick the hamster up without him knowing it, and will not wake up on handling. But close observation will reveal the hamster's whiskers (vibrissae) are still twitching. The hamster still has to breath when in torpor, although very very slowly this can be seen on close observation. The hamster must be aroused by slowly warming and gentle handling and stroking. After the arousal period it may be noted that hamster will be little groggy and trembling this will last only for a very short time.Thanks for listneaning and if u dont understand basicly the temperature needs to be 15C+ or it will hibernate and die and i knoe that because it happend to me enyway good luck

Need a sentence using the word torpor?

"He fell into a deep torpor."

What rhymes with torpor?

Its Impossible because "torpor" isn't even a word!

Do hamsters have odor when hibernating?

No, hamsters do not hibernate. They are not true hibernators like some other animals. Hamsters are in a state of torpor during times of rest, where they may seem inactive and sleep more, but they do not experience the same processes as true hibernation.

What is torpor?


How does one recognize torpor in an animal?

Torpor in an animal is a state of reduced activity and metabolism like hibernation that allows animals to go longer without food. Animals like rodents, bats, and some birds undergo daily torpor periods. An animal in this state would be sluggish and unresponsive.

Do Syrian hamsters hibernate or migrate?

Syrian hamsters do not hibernate or migrate. They are active throughout the year and do not undergo seasonal changes in behavior like some other animals do. They may become less active during colder months but do not enter a true hibernation state.

Do snakes eat when hibernating?

No, but they eat alot before hibernating

What kind of ground hog doesn't look at his shadow?

a hibernating one