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Diatomaceous earth is made up of the skeletons of small animals.

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Q: What is made of the skeletons of small animals?
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Related questions

A is the underwater buildup of limestone skeletons from certain small animals?

Coral reef.

How do animals with exoskeletons differ from animals with internal skeletons?

Their skeletons tend to be on the outside

A hard stony material made from the skeletons of sea animals is called what?

Coral reef

What is underwater buildup of limestone skeletons from certain small animals?

This is how coral reefs are formed. Coral will take salt from the sea and utilize it to create limestone skeletons on underwater objects.

What is the underwater buildup of limestone skeletons from certain small animals?

This is how coral reefs are formed. Coral will take salt from the sea and utilize it to create limestone skeletons on underwater objects.

What are internal skeletons?

Internal skeletons are structural systems found inside the bodies of animals, providing support and protection for their organs. These skeletons can be made of bone (as in mammals), cartilage (as in sharks), or a combination of both. Internal skeletons allow for greater flexibility and movement compared to external skeletons like shells or exoskeletons.

Which animals bend that have skeletons or without skeletons?

2 easy rlly. the answer is .........

Which animals have no skeletons?


What are the three types of skeletons that animals have?

Animals can have three types of skeletons: hydrostatic, exoskeleton, and endoskeleton. Hydrostatic skeletons are made of fluid-filled compartments that provide support, like in earthworms; exoskeletons are hard external coverings, like in insects; and endoskeletons are internal structures made of bone or cartilage, like in mammals.

Why have animals got skeletons?

Animals have skeletons so they don't wobble about like jelly! Just like humans

What are aquatic animals' skeletons made of?

It depends on what animal you're talking about. Invertebrates like sponges and mollusks and insects have no skeleton at all. Sharks and their relatives have a skeleton made of cartilage. Fish and amphibians have bony skeletons.

What land feature is located in the Coral Sea and is made from the skeletons of tiny sea animals?

Coral reefs.