You would get a farting horse. Weird right?
The act of a horse giving birth is called foaling. It typically occurs after a gestation period of around 11 months. During foaling, the mare will undergo labor and deliver the foal, usually within 30 minutes to an hour.
Horses reproduce sexually, with a mare and a stallion mating to produce offspring. After mating, the fertilized egg develops in the mare's uterus for around 11 months before she gives birth to a foal. The foal will then grow and mature into an adult horse.
Typically, a horse gives birth to one foal at a time, although twins can occur rarely. Most commonly, a horse will have one foal per pregnancy.
A adult female is a mare, a filly is a female horse up to the age of 4 yrs. A gelding is a male horse that has been castrated and no longer capable of breeding.
In the action, it is called foaling. Afterwards, foaled.
A horse gives birth from an area under it's tail.
A mare (female horse) is called a 'dam' after it gives birth to a foal.
When a dog gives birth, it is called whelping.
You would get a farting horse. Weird right?
A horse is a mammal as it gives birth to live young and suckles them.
a mare gives birth to the foal eleven months after conception
um.... birth
The horse has given birth to a baby horse called a foal.
Th epregnancy is called Gestation and the actual birth is called, well, birth.
It is the male sea-horse who gives birth. When giving birth he rocks back and forth quickly and kind of looks like he's dancing.