Ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, and parasitic wasps are insects that commonly feed on greenflies (aphids). These predators help to naturally control greenfly populations in gardens and agricultural settings.
The noun form for the adjective fierce is fierceness.
The abstract noun forms of the adjective 'fierce' are fierceness and ferocity.
cruel, brutal, wild, untamed, ruthless, murderous, inhumane, fierce, violent
insect's example: The insect's wing is damaged.
There are many thousands of themMantis ,green lacewing
There are a few green insects that are known as fierce hunters. Bother the preying mantis and the green lacewings
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in the pokke farm insect bush but you will need to upgrad it first in the pokke farm insect bush but you will need to upgrad it first
A buffalo hunter hunted buffalo. A buffalo soldier was a name given to the first Afro-American soldiers by Indians because of their hair reminded them of the buffalo and their fierce fighting manner.
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Predator Striped Meat-eater Speedy Hunter Large Dangerous Deadly Powerful Strong Fierce Carnivore Violent Wild
The common planigale, a tiny, aggressive marsupial of Australia, feeds mainly on invertebrates such as insects. However, being a fierce hunter, it also feeds on other smaller mammals.
A good word would be fierce
Ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, and parasitic wasps are insects that commonly feed on greenflies (aphids). These predators help to naturally control greenfly populations in gardens and agricultural settings.
She gave her opponent a fierce look before stepping up to the starting line.
They still remember him as a fierce fighter.They had a fierce fight for five hours.