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unisexual mean having 1 sex only and bisexual mean having 2 sex

unisexual mean hetrophrodite

and bisexual mean hermaphrodite

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Q: What is difference between unisexual and bisexual animal?
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What are the difference between unisexual and bisexual animals?

Bisexual animals reproduce by themselves, independent of any other of its kind. Unisexual animals reproduce with another animal of its kind. Bisexual animals tend to have both male and female sex organs which allow for this to happen. Unisexual animals, like humans, only possess one kind of sex organ and need to find a suitable mate to produce offspring.

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| Category | Plant | Animal | |--------------|-----------------|-----------------| | Cell type | Eukaryotic | Eukaryotic | | Nutrition | Autotrophic | Heterotrophic | | Movements | Minimal or none | Can move | | Reproduction | Mostly asexual | Mostly sexual |

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