Yes, to produce honey - there is no other source of honey.
Insects like crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers are commonly consumed by humans in some cultures. These insects are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and are considered a sustainable food source with lower environmental impact compared to traditional livestock.
Honeybees produce two main types of honey: monofloral honey, made from the nectar of predominantly one type of flower, and polyfloral honey, which comes from a mixture of nectars from different types of flowers. The flavor and color of the honey can vary depending on the source of the nectar.
Mimosa trees attract honey bees and make bad strong- tasting honey. Most bee Keepers try to get rid of any mimosa trees that they find. They are a major enemy if you want good honey!
Honey bees use nectar from flowers to make honey, which they store as food in their hives to feed the colony. Honey is not poop – it is a source of energy and nutrition for the bees. Honey bees also produce beeswax, which they use to build their honeycombs.
The biological name for honey is nectar. Honey is made by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers.
Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Bees collect nectar and then regurgitate and store it in honeycombs, where enzymes break it down into a concentrated sugar solution that eventually becomes honey.
Yes, to produce honey - there is no other source of honey.
No, honey bees are insects that produce honey as a food source. Honey bees collect nectar from flowers and use it to make honey, which they store in their hives as a source of energy. Honey bees are not made out of honey.
No. Bombus Bombus is the biological term for bumble bee species. Apis Millefera is the scientific name for the western honey bee.
Yes, bees produce honey as a food source for themselves. They store honey in the hive to eat during times when food is scarce, such as winter. Honey is rich in nutrients and serves as their primary energy source.
sources are as follow biological(animal) source plant source mineral source marine source plant tissue culture techniques
ATP is used as a primary biological source of energy.
A source of sugars and 'yummy goodness'. See related links for some interesting uses for honey.
Biological data is any information gathered from a biological source. One example of a collection method is swabbing human saliva for DNA.
Give biological source, chemical constituents and important uses