"Wriggle" is an action word, also known as a verb. It describes a physical movement where something twists or turns with small, quick motions.
Wriggle, wiggle, fidget, twist, worm, writhe...
Well, it is a verb and a noun because there is two definition for wriggle.
feed your pups and have your mate with you and wriggle about
"Wriggle" is an action word, also known as a verb. It describes a physical movement where something twists or turns with small, quick motions.
Another word for creep is sneak. Other words that are synonyms for creep are glide, crawl along, writhe, skulk, and wriggle.
It is wriggle!
Wriggle, wiggle, fidget, twist, worm, writhe...
The girl wriggled into the kitchen.
move around; wriggle
"Wiggle room has been continually challenged by wriggle room, which has the advantage of alliteration. However, wriggle (from Old English wrigian, root of awry) means "to squirm, writhe, move sinuously," as distinct from wiggle, which denotes back-and-forth motion, not necessarily twisting." [source:http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2004/12/05/2003213862] "Wiggle" room is much more correct to use the "wriggle" room, as it means you have flexibility to adapt your strategy while still maintaining the same direction. Wriggle room would also allow you to abandon one strategy in favour of another, even opposite, one. Most of the time, what folks try to imply is closer to "wiggle" than "wriggle"
Well, it is a verb and a noun because there is two definition for wriggle.
"Move move" or "wriggle wriggle"
I picked up the angry puppy as he tried to wriggle free.