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Corral, noun: paddock, pen, enclosure

Corral, verb: trap, enclose, restrict, restrain; gather, collect

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Q: What is an synonym for corral?
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What is the synonym of corral?

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What is a synonym for corral?

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What is the English word for corral?

corral is the English word for corral.

What does corral mean in English?

corral means corral (the same word is used in English). It's like a stable or a farm.

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Frank Corral's birth name is John Frank Corral.

Where was the okay corral?

The OK Corral is in Tombstone, Arizona.

What is Golden Corral?

The population of Golden Corral is 9,000.

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When was Monsteca Corral created?

Monsteca Corral was created in 2010.

When did Monsteca Corral happen?

Monsteca Corral happened in 2010.

When did Manuel Corral die?

Manuel Corral died in 2011.