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Its stomach.

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7mo ago

A worm's gizzard is a muscular structure in its digestive system that helps to grind up and break down organic material. It acts as a mechanical tool to aid in the digestion process by crushing food particles before they enter the worm's intestine for further processing.

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Q: What is a worms gizzard?
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What is in a worms gizzard?

inside a worms gizzard is the guts and a piece of its heart. him<3333

Do worms have gizzard?

worms have very muscular stomachs so its called a gizzard

What ogAN help the earth worms grind its food in tiny pieces?

the gizzard

What is a difference between the digestive system of the annelid and the fish?

fish have a bladder and a stomach. worms have a crop, gizzard, and intestine.

Why do earthworms have a crop and a gizzard?

A gizzard is a sack like organ at the back of the earthworms throat. The gizzard basically chews the earthworm's food since the worm doesn't have any teeth. The crop is a thinner organ closer to the head. The crop stores food.

Do the worms have digestive system?

No, worms do not have a stomach--they do have a crop and a gizzard, as part of the digestive tract. The mouth of the worm connects directly to this tract, which runs the entire length of it's body.

What is inside the crop gizzard and intestines of a worm?

The gizzard is a muscular organ used for grinding food during digestion. After a worm sucks in food with their pharynx, it moves to the esophagus, then to the crop to store it, then to the gizzard, to the stomach, to the intestine, then it leaves through its anus.

What is the function of the earthworms gizzard?

The function of an earthworm's gizzard is that the gizzard grinds organic matter.

Do hawks have a gizzard?

All birds have a gizzard.

What does gizzard do in an earthworm?

The gizzard is a digestive organ that helps breakdown food in the earthworm. similar to the turkeys gizzard. The turkey also has a gizzard that serves the same purpose.

What would you find inside the gizzard?

Why do you care it is a Gizzard :) haha

How is the earthworm's digestive system different from a human's?

Worms have a very special digestive system. Instead of having a small and large intestine, worms have only one. And it is called an intestine. They also have organs known as the crop and gizzard, which breaks down the food, since the only thing that worms do is eat. Those are the only things that worms have different than humans