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Q: What is a shared trait between all animals?
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Which is trait shared by all public goods?

A free rider problem

Why do have fingernails?

A nail or hoof or claw are common to all mammals and are a shared evolutionary trait.

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What are the differences between a synapomorphy and a homologous trait?

A synapomorphy is a shared derived trait among a group of organisms that indicates their common evolutionary history, such as feathers in birds. A homologous trait is a trait shared among different species due to a common ancestor, such as the pentadactyl limb structure in vertebrates. Synapomorphies are specifically used in phylogenetic analysis to determine relationships among organisms, whereas homologous traits can represent a broader concept of shared ancestry.

Why did the peasants resist the collective farms?

it slaughtered all of their animals , took away their land & they all shared a profit at the end of the year

What is wrong with classifying in the same phylum all animals that swim?

Classifying all animals that swim in the same phylum is overly broad as swimming is a behavior rather than a specific shared evolutionary trait. Animals that swim can belong to different phyla based on their anatomical and genetic characteristics. Grouping them solely based on swimming behavior would lead to an inaccurate and misleading classification system.

What is a purse in golf?

The purse is the amount of official money, it is shared out between all the participants.

What are some biotic and abiotic components shared by all biomes?

Some biotic components shared by all biomes include producers (plants), consumers (animals), and decomposers (bacteria, fungi). Abiotic components shared by all biomes include sunlight, water, air, soil, and nutrients.

What are inherited trait?

An inherited trait is a charateristic passed from parents to offspring.