Waddle can be a verb or a noun. Examples:
Norbert was bundled up in so many layers that he could barely waddle out the door.
I saw her from afar, recognizing her characteristic waddle.
When ducks waddle, it's cute; when I waddle, it's not attractive.
its do ducks waddle?, and yes they do
The definition of waddle is to walk in a slow, clumsy way. The short steps will cause the body to sway back and forth. A penguin has short legs, causing it to walk with a waddle.
Some examples of animals that waddle include penguins, ducks, and certain species of seals. Waddling is a distinctive way of walking characterized by a side-to-side motion with short steps. This type of movement is often seen in animals with short legs or bodies that are wider than they are tall, which makes walking in a straight line more difficult.
Yes it does waddle (an awkward, clumsy walk)
When ducks waddle, it's cute; when I waddle, it's not attractive.
It could be used like... "The penguin's short legs didn't allow him to run quickly, so instead he moved with a funny waddle."
No, the word 'waddled' is the past tense of the verb to 'waddle'.The word 'waddle' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'waddle' is a concrete noun, a word for an awkward swaying walk; a word for a physical action.
The independent penguin refused to waddle in a straight line and instead moonwalked across the icy terrain.
Toddle, wade, totter, sway, and wiggle are all synonyms for waddle.
The word 'waddle' is both a noun and a verb; for example: Noun: By the end of the pregnancy, I walked with a waddle. Verb: Just after daybreak, mama and her ducklings waddle along the path to the pond.