horse Answer2: Dog is to paw as sheep, goats, deer, cattle, horses, bison, pigs, camels, giraffes, etc. are to hoof.
The vein that courses through the guinea pigs paw, is not a main artery in the body, so it will not bleed out. However if you do happen to cut it, it will bleed. The best thing to do is to clean it with a cotton bud/wool ball, and leave it to heal(:
A cat's foot is called a paw. Each paw has five toes with retractable claws that enable cats to grip onto surfaces and hunt effectively.
Baby pigs are called Piglets or Piglet for singular.a baby pig is called a piglet
A group of pigs are called a litter.
Miniature pigs can be purchased online from various stores. Some of these stores are Royal Dandie, Vet Street, Paw Nation, Oz Mini Pigs and Texas Tiny Pigs.
horse Answer2: Dog is to paw as sheep, goats, deer, cattle, horses, bison, pigs, camels, giraffes, etc. are to hoof.
A seal
The vein that courses through the guinea pigs paw, is not a main artery in the body, so it will not bleed out. However if you do happen to cut it, it will bleed. The best thing to do is to clean it with a cotton bud/wool ball, and leave it to heal(:
A cat's foot is called a paw. Each paw has five toes with retractable claws that enable cats to grip onto surfaces and hunt effectively.
Baby pigs are called Piglets or Piglet for singular.a baby pig is called a piglet
The offspring of pigs are called piglets.
A group of pigs are called a litter.
female pigs are called sowsMale Pigs are called Boars, neutered pigs are called Barrows and female pigs are called Sows or Gilts if they have not had babies yet.the boar (male) and sow (female)SowBoar and sow.
When pigs deliver their babies, it is called "farrowing".