

What is a lycan look like?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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They look half human - half wolf.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What is a lycan look like?
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Gary Lycan's birth name is Gary R. Lycan.

When was the first lycan?

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What would a vampire werewolf hybrid look like?

The best example which could be given would be from the Underworld series, which showed a Lycan/Vampire hybrid, with the person being Lycan before becoming a hybrid, and a Vampire/Lycan hybrid with the person being a vampire before becoming a hybrid. In both cases, the person has blue skin and black eyes. The primary difference is that the Vampire/Lycan hybrid has bat wings and no hair, whereas the Lycan/Vampire hybrid has black hair and more human like features (such as facial structure). However, there are only these two individuals (Michael Corvin and Markus Corvinus) who have undergone these forms of transformation, and to my knowledge the Underworld series is only film series to show such creatures, therefore other representations may exist.

Was singe a lycan or a vampire in underworld?

Singe was a lycan

Where do you get lycan kinght on aq?

/join lycan then when you finish the quest of constantin go to faopaw and shop buy lycan knight but you need rank 6 to get lycan knight trust me it help you this answer.

How tall is Ryan Lycan?

Ryan Lycan is 5' 7".

Does your lycan armor change in AQ if you level up your lycan?

i think so didnt realy work on the lycan skills but i think it does

How do i know if i am a decendent of the lycans or if i have lycan blood?

you would have carctitristics of a lycan

What is the enemy of a lycan?

a lycan has sevral enemies you could say a vampire but vampires are more enemie to were wolfs witch is compleatly opposite of a lycan. lets start with what a lycan is.. a lycan is a holy creater. a lycan is like gods knight, its clsoe to being gods pet. gods dog. loyal to the holy words of the bible and chritianity. and also to prove this dog backwards is god. so think about that when you kick a dog or see one straded in the streets. now abotu the enemies seeing how a lycan is a holy creater of our lord, our saviore. anything unholy is against lycans. you can fight side by side wtiha pixie agains things such as demons. and anythign els that is with the dark side. like drows, dark elfs or anythign that is dark. you cant believe what you read. some of thos movies you watch tell lies. a were wolf cant not controle there transformation....a lycan can.

How do you become lycan in AQWorlds?

To become lycan you have to buy the armor and helm at the store at the lycan ridge and buy lycan head Morph and lycan knight but for the helm you have to be rank 4 in lycan and for the armor you have to be rank 6 I'm rank 4 because I didn't want to get the armor yet I'm going to try to get to rank 6 tomorrow so I can get the armor

On Adventure Quest battle on how do you level up as a lycan?


When was William Lycan born?

William Lycan was born on 1945-09-26.