Insects (six legs), being silverfish, mayflies, dragon/damselflies, stone flies, fleas, lice, crickets, grasshoppers, true bugs (stink bugs etc), aphids, cicadas, butterflies, moths, bees, wasps, ants, flies, hoverflies, mosquitos, beetles... (pretty much all arthropods with wings really, save the silverfish)
Arachnids (eight legs), being Spiders, harvestmen (not spiders!), scorpions, horseshoe crabs (really, they're not crustaceans), sun/camel spiders, ticks and mites.
Crustaceans (ten legs), being crabs, lobsters, shrimps, water fleas, barnacles, sacculina and relatives (look them up, they're fascinating parasites), krill and lots of other plankton.
Myriapods (many legs), being centipedes and millipedes.
Here are some arthropods:Ladybug Bumble Bee Wasp spider caterpillar ants
Source: List_of_arthropods
NO Mammals are not arthropods. Arthropods are insects.
its an Arthropod
No. Spiders and centipedes are both arthropods but neither have 3 segments.
The word that means jointed feet is "arthropods." Arthropods are a group of invertebrates that have jointed legs.
Arthropods are classified into five subphyla: Trilobitomorpha, Chelicerata, Myriapoda, Crustacea, and Hexapoda. Each subphylum represents a distinct group of arthropods with unique characteristics and features, such as the presence of jointed legs and exoskeletons.
Arthropods have armor or shells and big eyes take the dragonfly or scorpion for example
Only some arthropods have a cephalothorax, like for example the lobster. Other arthropods have functionally separate (or non-fused) head and thorax, like many insects.
Yes, each of these types of organisms has instances of parasitic species. From arthropods one example would be the flea; from helminths an example would be a tapeworm, and from the protozoans the malaria parasite would be one example.
They express the characteristics inherent to arthropods. All insects are arthropods. Not all arthropods are insects.
Pretty much all bugs are arthropods, with the exception of an informal usage of the word "bug" to describe a pathogen causing an illness. All insects are arthropods; non-insect arthropods like myriapods (centipedes and millipedes for example) are called bugs and are still arthropods. Arachnids including spiders and scorpions, which might be called bugs, are also arthropods; land crabs which might be referred to as "bugs" are arthropods. In biology there is a group of insects called the "true bugs", including the shield bugs; also arthropods.
NO Mammals are not arthropods. Arthropods are insects.
arthropods are eukaryotic because arthropods are animals.
They express the characteristics inherent to arthropods. All insects are arthropods. Not all arthropods are insects.
No, people are not arthropods.
Yes they are arthropods