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Donkey!! :P

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Q: What is a good nickname for jackass?
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What is the nickname of the Magellanic penguin?

the Jackass

Is jackass good to say?

Jackass means donkey so please chose wisely who you are saying it to

Is jackass good thing to say?

Jackass means donkey so please chose wisely who you are saying it to

What is a nickname for a donkey?

A Jenny is a nick name for a female donkey.

Was jackass one a good movie?

Yes i thought it was hilarious.

Is nan a good nickname for Hannah?

If you like 'Nan' as a nickname, then yes, it is a good nickname.

Was jackass 3 the last jackass movie?

nope theres a jackass 3.5

Is Jackass a good name for a dog?

No Unless you want to show you hate your dog.;)

Is there going to be more jackass episodes?

i hope so coz there realy good

How do you say jackass in German?

Jackass = Esel

What is the name of a celebration beginning with the letter J?

Jackass festival Jackass festival Jackass festival

Is jackass 3d the last jackass?

They also have Jackass 3.5, which is a followup of Jackass 3D with footage they didn't use for the original film. Also, they have filmed a Jackass 4 that should be out sometime early in 2012.