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bang, because it sounds like something exploding

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6mo ago

"Buzz" is a good example of onomatopoeia because the word imitates the sound of a bee flying.

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The word hiss is an example of onomatopoeia - when a word is formed from the sound of something.

A definition for onomatopoeia and example of onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia is when a word's pronunciation imitates the sound it describes. An example of onomatopoeia is the word "buzz" because the sound of bees buzzing is captured through the pronunciation of the word.

Example of onomatopoeia in the word onomatopoeia?

The word "onomatopoeia" is an example of onomatopoeia because its pronunciation resembles the sound it describes - the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.

How do you spell onamatapia?

The word is spelled onomatopoeia. An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing. A good example of this is the word quack. The sound that a duck makes is "Quack." The word sounds like the sound it is describing.

What is a sentence for the word onomatopoeia?

an onomatopoeia is the use of word that denotes a thing that produces such a sound that is suggested by the phonetic quality of the word..

Is the word tune an example of onomatopoeia?


Is microwave an onomatopoeia?

No, the word "microwave" is not an onomatopoeia. An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the natural sound of a thing.

What is a sentence for onomatopoeia?

The word "buzz" is an example of onomatopoeia, as it imitates the sound a bee makes.

How can you use the word onomatopoeia in a sentence?

The word "buzz" is an example of an onomatopoeia because it imitates the sound of a bee flying by.

What Is An Example If Onomatopoeia?

An example of onomatopoeia is the word "buzz" because it imitates the sound of something vibrating or humming.

The word fizz is an example of?

onomatopoeia, as it imitates the sound of carbonation bubbles popping in a drink.

In hangman can you use onomatopoeia sounds?

sure, it is a word of course. for example moo boom is an onomatopoeia and it also is a word.