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Pacific Tree frog is the only one who "ribbits."

Debb Janes, EcoBroker

Camas, Washington

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12y ago
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7mo ago

The frog species that most commonly makes the sound "ribbit ribbit" is the Pacific chorus frog (also known as the Pacific tree frog). They are known for their distinctive call that sounds like "rib-it" or "rib-bit."

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Q: What is a frog that goes ribbit ribbit?
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Well in a cartoon frogs can talk If you went into a pond you can't hear the frog talk it can only ribbit

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ribbit (frog noise) sip it zip it rip it damm it

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No poison dart frog shoots it poison. They ooze if from their skin. The type of poison depends on the species of frog.

What sound does a frog make in Hebrew?

Frogs only make frog sounds. In Hebrew, this sound is usually described as "ribbit" (ריביט) or kirkur (קירקור)

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as babies; tadpoles as they r ghrown up; frogs butifthey are incomplete; half ribbit:):)

What is the sound of a frog?

Frogs typically make a "ribbit" sound. However, the specific sound a frog makes can vary depending on the species. Some frogs may chirp, croak, or whistle.

Sound made by a frog - an example?

The majority of frogs produce high-pitched whistles, buzzes, peeps and similar sounds. Some large frogs produce a low hoarse sound called a croak. It sounds a bit like a choking person trying to say, "ribbit". To reproduce it, try saying "ribbit" as far down in your throat as you possibly can.