penguins have webbed like feet like ducks because it helps them swim
yes ducks are a type of bird they are called hola hola in hawi because it swims but is a bird so it is weird
Yes, ducks will eat worms as part of their natural diet. Worms are a good source of protein for ducks and can provide them with essential nutrients.
Ducks have webbed feet. This helps these animal swim because its feet special design act like paddle when a duck is in water. Ducks are typically found in marshes, ponds, wetlands, and rivers. Ducks have a life span of up to 12 years.
Wild wood ducks which are Actually part of the geese family so are not ducks but look, walk, act and make the same sound as ducks
The subject of that sentence would be "a family of ducks." The subject of a sentence is the noun doing the verb.
What was family life like
Because that is how they evolved, and humans named them ducks.
its family like xD
Rarely any mate for life. The Mandarin and the Wood ducks are among the two most popular known ducks to actually mate for life, but most of the other ducks don't.
all the ducks is like ' all the ducks in the world ' but all of the ducks is ' all of the ducks in our farm'
What are they? They're ducks, what else would disabled ducks be... What exactly are you asking.
The warthog's family is like pigs
ducks behave like kid
Geese and swans..Family Anserformes.