

What is a cindoblast?

Updated: 7/1/2024
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14y ago

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It is the defensive organ present in Colenterates like Jelly fishes. If you handle these coelentrates with bare hands may even lead to death.

The Cnidoblasts are also called Nematocysts or stinging cells.

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14y ago
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5d ago

There is no widely-known concept or term called "cindoblast." It is possible that it is a niche or specialized term used in a specific context or field that is not commonly recognized. More information would be needed to provide a more accurate answer.

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What is cindoblast?

It is the defensive organ present in Colenterates like Jelly fishes. If you handle these coelentrates with bare hands may even lead to death. The Cnidoblasts are also called Nematocysts or stinging cells.