Lost of animals will hunt chickens. most all aerial predators, will, as well as weasels, mink, fishers, fox, coyote if they're hungry enough, or even large snakes.
Generally the Asian kitten but it can range from anything from the common kettle chicken to the knife ant.
A chicken may leave its roost at night if it gets startled by a predator, if it senses danger, or if it is disturbed by noise or light. Chickens are naturally wary animals and will react to threats or disruptions in their environment.
There are a number of predators who will remove and eat the head of a chicken working its way into the soft entrails of the kill. Raccoons, Opossum, skunk, fisher and others of the weasel family kill and consume this way. A better idea would be had, if entrance to the chicken coop was in evidence.Describing the way the predator got into the chicken coop is a better way of determining the culprit.
Yes. If you happen to be a bug, a chicken is your worst enemy.
An enemy no, but a predator yes.
you have a chicken predator
Foxes, rats, cats, raccoons and bats eat chicken eggs.
I have never had a chicken die from old age, I have had at least 100 chickens over the years, and I think your answer is whenever a predator can get to it.
Predation is the act of one organism (predator) feeding on another organism (prey) as a means of obtaining nutrients. A predator is an organism that hunts and consumes other organisms, while prey is the organism that is hunted and consumed by the predator. An example of a predator-prey relationship is the relationship between a lion (predator) and a zebra (prey). The lion hunts and kills the zebra to obtain food.
Chicken coops have historically been built with two doors to allow the hens to escape a predator. When an animal is entering from one door the hens can leave through the other. If the chicken coop had only one door the hens would be trapped inside when a predator entered.
Generally the Asian kitten but it can range from anything from the common kettle chicken to the knife ant.