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Where do bees go on vacation? Stingapore. Don't listen to him, he's lion.

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Q: What is a bee pun and a lion pun?
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What is a bee pun?

Q: What is a bee's favorite flower? A: Bee-gonias! is an example of a be pun.

What is a bee pun that goes old?

A bee pun that goes old is a mumble bee. This is a joke.

What is a good pun picture?

You can find a good bee pun picture on

What is a joke for this pun a backwards lion?

I do not know a joke about a pun backwards lion. This is a joke.

What is a good bee pun?

Here is a good bee pun: I don't want to wax poetic about puns but, honey, comb through your vocabulary and try to find some puns with a bit more sting to them.

What will be a good joke for this pun a brr-lion?

A good joke for the pun brr-lion would be: What did the lion put in his drink to make it cold? Mice cubes!

Finish my pun a bee in mud need?

A bee in mud needs no more crud.

Why is a bee like a lion?

A bee is like a lion in that they are both living organisms.

I need a joke for this pun a bee-pie?

What do you call the noise that a hornet makes...a bee-pie.

What is a good pun fur my joke what do you call a bee in a bed?

What do you call a bee in a bed? A bed bug.

What is a bee pun about trees?

This is the bee that just buzzes around all the time with no particular agenda in mind.

What is a pun with the words bee and hop?

What do you call a cross between an animal that hops, like a kangaroo and a bee. A stingaroo.