

What is a bandz?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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its not called a bandz its called silly bandz there are common ones and rares and super rare ones oh yeah p.s kill Justin Bieber before the world ends

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Q: What is a bandz?
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Which came first silly bandz or goofy bandz?

silly bandz, goofy bandz are just a copied idea.

How big is the sily bandz list?

there are 1000000 silly bandz but any kind of bandz like silly bandz are 9000000000000000000

What came first Silly Bandz or Zany Bandz?

Zany bandz are more awsome silly bandz are harder to find

Are there any brands other than silly bandz?

I just looked at a bunch! There are 7 different brands I think. Googly bandz, strechy shapes, zany bandz, goofy bandz, crazy bandz, and silly bandz.

What is better- Silly Bandz or Zany Bandz?

The best is silly bandz.This is why they are 1.silly bandz are easier to find 2.silly bandz wont break as fast as zanzi bandz 3.silly bandz have a web sight 4.they are cooler and cheaper

What silly bandz are popular?

The bands i say are popular are MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE and SKILLET. the newest and rarest bandz right now are the PHAT Headz Bandz by Bebalicious Bandz.

What is the difference between silly bandz and crazy bandz?

all crazy bandz glow in the dark. not all sillybandz do

What is the record for the most silly bandz?

i have 1023 silly bandz all the money for my birthday is going tords silly bandz

When was Silly Bandz created?

Silly Bandz was created in 2002.

Where do buy silly bandz?

Walgreens,CVS have silly bandz

How much are silly bandz at cvs for a 48 pack?

Silly Bandz are $2.99 for a regular pack of 12 Silly Bandz in a pack. Sometimes, they are $4.99 if the Silly Bandz pack has 24 Silly Bandz in the pack, if the Silly Bandz are Glow in the Dark, or if the Silly Bandz are Tie Dye.