there is no thing such as a Cisky terrier, but there is such thing as a cesky terrier, which is a small terrier originating in Czechoslovakia. The name is pronounced Chess-kee (after its Czech name Český teriér. The breed standard is... IDEAL MEASURES : Male Female CM IN CM INHeight at withers 29.00 11.42 27.00 10.63 Length of skull 21.00 8.27 20.00 7.87 Width of skull 10.00 3.94 9.00 3.54 Girth of thorax (behind elbows) 45.00 17.72 44.00 17.32 Length of body 43.00 16.93 40.00 15.75 BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Balanced, non-aggressive, pleasant and cheerful companion, easy to train; somewhat reserved towards strangers; of calm and kind disposition. HEAD
Shaped like a long, blunt, not too broad wedge, the plane of the forehead forming a distinctive breaking with the bridge of the nose. CRANIAL REGION: * Skull: Not too broad between the ears and tapering moderately towards the supraorbital ridges. Occipital protuberance easy to palpate; cheek bones moderately prominent. Frontal furrow only slightly marked. * Stop: Not accentuated but apparent. FACIAL REGION: * Nose: Dark and well developed. It should be black on Terriers with a grey-blue coat and liver-coloured on light-coffee brown Terriers. * Nasal bridge: Straight. * Jaws/teeth: Strong jaws. Scissors or level bite; complete dentition (the absence of the 2 M3 in the lower jaw not being penalized). Teeth strong regularly aligned and set square to the jaw. * Lips: Relatively thick, fitting neatly. * Cheeks: Cheek bones not too prominent. * Eyes: Of medium size, slightly deep set, with a friendly expression; well covered by the overhanging eyebrows. Brown or dark brown in grey-blue coated dogs, light brown in light-coffee-brown dogs. Eyelids black in grey-blue dogs, liver-colour in light-coffee-brown dogs. * Ears: Of medium size, dropping in such a way as to well cover the orifice. Set on rather high and falling flat along the cheeks. Shaped like a triangle, with the shorter side of the triangle at the fold of the ear. NECK: Medium long, quite strong, carried on a slant. The skin at the throat is somewhat loose but without forming a dewlap. BODY: Oblong. * Upper line: Not straight because loins and rump are always moderately arched. * Withers: Not very pronounced; neck set on rather high. Back: Strong, of medium length. * Loins: Relatively long, muscular, broad and slightly rounded. * Croup: Strongly developed, muscular; pelvis moderately slanting. Hip bones often slightly higher than the withers. * Chest: More cylindrical than deep; ribs well sprung. * Belly: Ample and slightly tucked up. Flanks well filled. TAIL: The ideal length is 18-20 cm; relatively strong and low set. At rest hanging downward or with a slight bend at the tip; when alert the tail is carried sabre shape horizontally or higher. LIMBS FOREQUARTERS: The forelegs should be straight, well boned and parallel. * Shoulders: Muscular. * Elbows: Somewhat loose, yet neither turned in nor out. * Forefeet: Large; well arched toes and strong nails. Pads well developed and thick. HINDQUARTERS: Hind legs strong, parallel, well angulated and muscular. * Lower thigh: Short. * Hock joint: Set relatively high strongly developed. * Hind feet: Smaller than the forefeet. GAIT / MOVEMENT: Free, enduring, vigorous, with drive. Gallop rather slow but lasting. The forelegs extend in a straight forward line. SKIN: Firm, thick, without wrinkles or dewlap, pigmented. COAT TEXTURE: Hair long, fine but firm, slightly wavy with a silky gloss; not too much overdone. The Czech Terrier is groomed by scissors (clipping). At the forepart of the head the hair is not to be clipped thus forming brows and beard. On the lower parts of the legs, under the chest and belly the hair should not be clipped either. In show condition the hair at the upper side of the neck, on the shoulders and on the back should not be longer than 1 - 1.5 cm; it should be shorter on the sides of the body and on the tail and quite short on the ears, cheeks, at the lower side of the neck, on elbows, thighs and round the vent. The transition between clipped and unclipped areas should be pleasing for the eye and never abrupt. COLOUR: The Czech Terrier has 2 varieties of coat colour: * Grey-blue (puppies are born black) * Light-coffee-brown (puppies born chocolate brown) In both colour varieties yellow, grey or white markings are permitted on the head (beard, cheeks), neck, chest, belly, and the limbs and round the vent. Sometimes there is also a white collar or a white tip of the tail. The basic colour, however, must always be predominant. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT:
Height at withers between 25 - 32 cm. Ideal size for a dog = 29 cm, for a bitch = 27 cm. The weight must not be less than 6 kg and more than 10 kg. FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. * Weak construction. * Temporary loss of nasal pigmentation (snow nose). * Weak, short or snipey foreface, with weakly developed teeth. * Absence of one (1) incisor. * Eyes too big or protruding. * Ears too big or too small, or different in shape or carriage as described in the standard. * Back too long or too short. * Crooked forelegs, incorrect front. * Coat too fine or too coarse. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: * Absence of more than 4 teeth altogether; absence of 2 or more incisors. * Canine placed in vestibulo position. * Entropion or ectropion. * Chest circumference more than 50 cm. * Curled tail or carried over the back. * Long brindled coat on dogs older than 2 years. * Coarse or curled cotton-wool type hair. * White markings covering more than 20%; white blaze on the head. * Irregular, jerky, spasmodic movements ("Scottie cramp") * Weight above 10 kg or less than 6 kg. * Shyness, unbalanced or aggressive disposition. N.B: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. For more information go to
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Yes, the Airedale Terrier is also known as the Waterside Terrier, the Bingley Terrier and the King of Terriers.
A Ratshi terrier is a combination of the Rat Terrier and the Shih tzu
A lakeland terrier looks similar to an Airedale but much smaller.
Nipper, the iconic RCA dog, was a mixed-breed dog believed to be part Jack Russell Terrier and part Bull Terrier. He gained fame for listening intently to a gramophone, which became a symbol of quality sound for RCA products.
A wire-haired terrier is a type of small to medium-sized dog breed known for their unique wiry, rough coat. They are active, energetic, and intelligent dogs that often require regular grooming to maintain their coat's texture and overall appearance. Popular examples of wire-haired terriers include the Wire Fox Terrier, Airedale Terrier, and Scottish Terrier.
There are many Terrier breeds. Here are just a few. Fox Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Bull Terrier, Westland High Terrier, Scottish Terrier, etc.
The fell terrier is the modern name for a black and tan working terrier group. The most common fell terrier is the Parrerdale Terrier.
Yes, the Airedale Terrier is also known as the Waterside Terrier, the Bingley Terrier and the King of Terriers.
terrier (type of dog): un terrier, un chien terrier (un terrier also means 'a burrow' in French)
there are many: 1. English Bull Terrier 2. Staffodshire Bull Terrier 3. English Toy Terrier 4. Jack Russel Terrier 5. Welsh Terrier 6. Lakeland Terrier 7. Border Terrier 8. Patterdale Terrier 9. Jagdterrier 10. Fox Terrier 11. Sealyham Terrier 12. Parson Russel Terrier 13. Russel Terrier 14. Plummer Terrier 15. Fell Terrier 16. Scorrier Terrier 17. American Jack Russel Terrier 18. Atlas Terrier 19. Brazilian Terrier 20. Chilean Fox Terrier 21. Smooth Fox Terrier 22. Wire Fox Terrier 23. Japanese Terrier 24. Miniature Fox Terrier 25. Rat Terrier 26. Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz 27. Tenterfeild Terrier 28. Toy Fox Terrier 29. Yorkshire Terrier 30. Australian Toy Terrier 31. English Toy Terrier 32. Russian Toy Terrier 33. Toy Manchester Terrier 34. Boston Terrier 35. American Pit Bull Terrier 36. Scottish Terrier 37. West Highland Terrier 38. Airedale Terrier 39. American Staffordshire Terrier 40. Cairn Terrier 41. Norfolk, Norwich Terrier (Though the American Kennel Club only recognizes 31 apparently, as of 3/2016)
They were'NT bred together. tHe Boston Terrier is a mix of a English Bulldog and A White Terrier. Not a Rat Terrier.
Oorang Airedale Terrier (Oorang Airedale Terrier is an oversized version of the smaller Airedale Terrier)
A Ratshi terrier is a combination of the Rat Terrier and the Shih tzu
Rat terrier, terrier, silky terrier
The bull terrier breed is a mix of bulldog and terrier breeds, specifically the English white terrier and the extinct bull and terrier breed.
The Yorkie terrier