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1.5 to 2 pounds

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Alligators typically weigh around 0.5 to 1 pound at birth. They are relatively small and vulnerable when first hatched, but grow quickly in their first few years of life.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Q: What is Alligators weight at birth?
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Do alligators give birth to live young?

no alligators give birth to eggs than they grow up into big alligators

What size are alligators at birth?

Seeing as alligators actually lay eggs and do not birth their young this is pretty irrelevant, oviparism is the correct term for the laying of eggs that mature outside of the mother Young alligators are ten to twelve inches long at hatching.

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Tigers and alligators are both born from eggs. Female tigers give birth to live cubs, while female alligators lay eggs that hatch into baby alligators. Both species exhibit maternal care for their offspring after birth or hatching.

What is the weight of a American alligator?

Being alligators, they can exceed 249 kilograms.

Alligators and tigers born?

Alligators are born from eggs laid by the mother in a nest, while tigers give live birth to their young. Baby alligators are called hatchlings and are completely independent from birth, while baby tigers are called cubs and depend on their mother for care and protection. Both species are born helpless and rely on their parents for survival in the early stages of life.

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When was Low Birth Weight created?

Low Birth Weight was created in 1999.

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