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Actually aphids give birth to live young!

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Q: What insects gives birth to live young?
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Do some insects give birth to live young?

no insects lay eggs they cant get brith

Why is a bear in the mammal family?

It has hair, gives birth to live young, feeds it young with mammary glands (breasts), gives birth to live young, and is warm blooded. It is a mammal.

What gives birth to partially -developed live young?

Oviparous animals, such as certain sharks, snakes, and insects, can give birth to partially developed live young. These animals lay eggs internally, where the embryos develop until they are ready to hatch and be born. This is different from placental mammals, like humans, who give birth to fully developed live young.

What gives birth to live young?

All mammals, with the exception of monotremes (egg-laying mammals) give birth to live young.

What is and animal that gives birth to living young called?

live birth not eggs are mothers who are mammals

Why is a jagur a mammal?

Because it gives birth to live young

How dogs has babies?

A dog is a mammal and therefore gives birth to live young ones. A dog gives birth to multiple young ones at a time.

Are mammals the only group that gives live birth?

No. Sharks and rays give birth to live young too.

What are the characteristics of dugongs?

A dugong is a mammal and it gives birth to live young.

Do Dholes lay eggs?

No, the Dhole gives birth to live young.

What is a sentence for the word mammal?

A mammal gives birth to live young. :)

Does a horse give live birth or not?

Yes, horses like the vast majority of mammals gives birth to live young.